Fast JavaScript Click Event for Touch Devices

Click Events

When working on a web app for touch devices (iPhone / iPad), you will soon notice that click events are rather slow to fire. There is a delay due to the fact that the device waits for the user to complete a gesture before deciding that the intended gesture was in fact a click.

I wrote a simple script that detects whether the device is touched without moving. When tapped without move, it fires a custom event named “fast click”. This alternative event fires much faster then an ordinary click event.

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Ontwerp userinterface webshop voor mobiel

Webshop iPhone

Door de userinterface van een website eerst voor de smartphone (aka mobiel) te ontwerpen, wordt de ontwerper gedwongen om zich te focussen op alleen de meest belangrijke acties. Door het beperkte scherm is er immers geen ruimte voor overbodige content. De gangbare term hiervoor is “Mobile first”.

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